Crude Oil Rebound At A Crucial Juncture

Crude Oil breakout would be good for it and stocks, says Joe Friday by kimblechartingsolutions  Crude Oil (USO) remains one of the most important, if not THE most important commodity on the planet. A big test in play right now for this important asset. CLICK ON CHART TO ENLARGE Crude Oil over the past few years has traded inside of channel...

Transports Divergence Is Worry For Broad Market Bulls

The divergence that’s worrying the stock market’s bulls Dow Transports is falling while DJIA is rising by Mark Hulbert The bullish case has lost what until just recently was one of its strongest supports. I’m referring to remarkable weakness in the Dow Jones Transportation Average (IYT) This lesser-known Dow average is a leading market indicator, and until earlier this year it...

Concern The U.S. Consumer Is Slowing Down

Bank of America: The Biggest Part of the U.S. Economy Might Be Rolling Over by Luke Kawa The U.S. consumer might have gone AWOL in March. Bank of America Corp.'s proprietary aggregated credit and debit card data suggests that retail sales excluding cars flatlined last month. "Given difficult annual comparisons, this leaves sales down 0.1 percent year-over-year," writes Deputy Head of U.S. Economics Michelle...

Emerging Markets Rebound Correlated To Dollar’s Fall

EM vs US Dollar is the biggest story of the spring  by Joshua Brown In the middle of February, I said “Tell me when the dollar rally ends, I’ll tell you when EM starts working again.” I showed the below chart, in which you can see Emerging Markets (EEM) underperformance vs the S&P 500 (SPX) (SPY) in the top pane, with the...

Will Value Stocks Continue To Outperform Growth Stocks?

Can value stocks keep outperforming growth in second quarter? Rotation into fundamentally undervalued shares picking up steam by William Watts The pendulum is finally swinging back toward value stocks. It might be too early to call it a comeback, but value-focused investors are ending the first quarter with reason to cheer. Growth stocks have ruled the roost since well before...

New Video Game ETF (GAMR) Targets Uncovered Niche

Why the New Video Game ETF Isn't A Gimmick This fund holds a lot of companies that aren't in big, established indexes yet. by Eric Balchunas As soon as it came out, The PureFunds Video Game Tech ETF was understandably labeled a gimmick.  But is it?  In the ETF world, the line between fads and worthwhile products comes down to...

Top Sectors & Stocks Of Q1 2016

Bespoke’s Asset Class Performance Matrix — Q1 2016 by Bespoke Invest Below is our asset class performance matrix for Q1 2016 using key ETFs traded on U.S. exchanges.  A ridiculously strong March propelled US stocks into the green for the quarter, but just barely so.  As shown, the S&P 500 ETF (SPY) finished Q1 up 0.81% year-to-date.  The Dow 30 (DIA) more...

How Asset Bubbles Form & Spread Like A Virus

Bubbles Spread Like a Zombie Virus by Noah Smith The leading academic theory of asset bubbles is that they don’t really exist. When asset prices skyrocket, say mainstream theorists, it might mean that some piece of news makes rational investors realize that fundamental values like corporate earnings are going to be a lot higher than anyone had expected. Or perhaps some...

Is Stagflation From The 1970s Returning?

‘Stagflation’ could be the latest 1970s trend to make a comeback It’s a ‘tail risk’ worth hedging against: Bank of America Merrill Lynch by Joseph Adinolfi First it was bell-bottoms, turtlenecks and psychedelic prints. But now another less-beloved trend from the 1970s might be on the verge of a comeback. In a note to clients released Thursday, a team of...

Have Biotech Stocks (IBB) Bottomed?

Biotech stocks are so bad they may be good: Technician by Stephanie Yang "Biotech stocks are so beaten down that it could be time to buy them", technical analyst Ari Wald says. "The question we're asking ourselves [is]: Has it become so bad it's good?" Oppenheimer's chief technician said this week on CNBC's "Trading Nation." The iShares biotechnology ETF (IBB) has retraced...