After 2015 Commodity Meltdown, Some Glimmers Of Hope For 2016

Commodity Faithful See Some Hope Next Year After 2015 Heartbreak by Millie Munshi, Grant Smith and Aya Takada  Bullish gold, wheat, natural-gas outlooks in Bloomberg survey `Investors are looking for less bad news,' Krosby says After the worst commodity collapse in a generation, there may be some glimmers of hope. Gold (GLD), wheat (JJG) and natural gas (UNG) probably will climb...

10 Rules For Better Trading

Top 10 Rules of Good Trading By easy share trading systems 1.  DETERMINE WHY YOU WANT TO TRADE Before you even start on the trading adventure….why do you want to trade? If the answer is “to make money” then I am sorry to disappoint you but it will be very difficult for you to achieve that solitary goal. Successful traders love...

2 Key Traits Of Successful Traders

Passion And Persistence: What Makes Us Tough Makes Us Triumph by Brett N. Steenbarger, Ph.D. What makes a successful trader or investor? One of the valuable contributions of Jack Schwager’s classic Market Wizards is its attempt to identify the factors that contribute to the success of elite money managers. Interestingly, Schwager found that the wizards were not those who were always right in their...

Major Index At Key Long-Term Fibonacci Level

U.S. Stocks Facing Their Biggest Test In 8 Years? Broad-based Value Line Composite testing mega-critical level. by Dana Lyons The Value Line Geometric Composite (VLG) (VALUG) is an unweighted average of roughly 1700 U.S. stocks. This makes it, in our view, the most accurate index in instructing investors of the true state of the U.S. stock “market”. And since studies have shown...

The Biotech Decline In Historical Perspective

Bespoke: Biotech Stocks Could Fall Another 10 Percent A short history of biotech bears and bulls. by Julie Verhage The S&P Biotechnology Select Industry Index fell nearly 5 percent to start the week, as drug price increases undergo major scrutiny. The downward move follows a runup that has seen the index jump, from 1,040 back in September 2011, to 4,110 at the end of June this year—an...

Nasdaq Forms Death Cross, But 3 Month Forward Return Is Positive

Nasdaq 'death cross' forms 'four horsemen' pattern by Giovanny Moreano The Nasdaq Composite (COMP) spooked investors on Monday after forming a death cross, a trading pattern that shows a decline in short-term momentum and is often a precursor to future losses.  A death cross occurs when the short-term moving average of a security or an index pierces below the long-term trend, in...

Fed Inaction Is Creating An “Infinity Paradox”

Deutsche Bank Explains The Fed's Decision By Mixing Quantum Theory With Post-Modernism by Tyler Durden Bored of cut and dry (and 100% spot on) explanations of why the Fed did not do a "hawkish hold" or a "dovish hike" just because Goldman's Jan Hatzius told Bill Dudley not to order a lobster sandwich at the Pound and Pence? Then you...

2015 Market Is Still Following 2011 Pattern, Big Moves Likely Ahead

S&P 500 is threatening to follow this frustrating template by Simon Maeirhofer Please join me for a quick walk down memory lane. I'll tell you in a moment why. We'll turn the dial of our imaginary time machine to August 2011. The S&P hit an air pocket and lost 18%, causing panic on Wall Street. Following the initial August panic...

Sector & Stock Performance Since The Last Fed Rate Hike

by Bespoke Invest Below is a look at the performance of the S&P 500 and its ten sectors since 1) the last time the Fed hiked rates on 6/29/06, and 2) interest rates went to 0% on 12/16/08.  These exercises don’t provide much in the way of forward projections, but they can be interesting nonetheless. As shown, since the Fed (Greenspan’s Fed) last...

5 reasons For The Fed To Raise Rates (And 5 Reasons Not To)

The pros and cons of a rate hike by the Federal Reserve by Caroline Baum Everyone, and I mean everyone, has an opinion on what the Federal Reserve should do, will do and why when the policy-setting committee meets this week to consider an increase in its benchmark rate. We have been inundated with advice from Fed officials — former, current and wannabes — Nobel...