The Top Performing Stocks Of 2015

The Top Performing Stocks Of 2015 by Bespoke Invest Below is a list of the top performing stocks in the Russell 3,000 year-to-date.  Of the 3,000 stocks in the index, 18 are up more than 100%.  The best performer in the index is Retrophin (RTRX), which is up 161%.  In recent years past, there have been at least a couple...

Dow Transports Theory, Tested & Examined

Dow Transports Theory, Tested & Examined  by Alex Rosenberg It's one of the oldest stock market indicators: The Dow Transports theory, which says that the performance of the Dow Jones Transportation Average (IYT) ought to predict or at least confirm the performance of the market as a whole. And due to the prevalence of that theory, the recent underperformance of...

Earnings/Price & Interest Rate Ratio Indicates Market Not Overvalued

Earnings/Price & Interest Rate Ratio Indicates Market Not Overvalued A 45-year chart shows stocks not overvalued: Economist by Lawrence Lewtinn With stocks near record highs, many are starting to worry that valuations have gotten too rich for the market’s own good. But one influential economist is saying investors need not worry, and he has a 45-year chart to prove his...

Crude Oil Retracement Pattern Is Historically Strong, But Also Historically Near Limits

Crude Oil Retracement Pattern Is Historically Strong, But Also Historically Near Limits Crude oil – 7th largest 2-month rally in history, now what? by Chris Kimble Two months ago, the 2-month rolling return for Crude Oil (USO) was -40% at (1) below. At that time Crude Oil had declined almost $70 in the past 9-months, trading near $45. It was...

‘Mayan Temple’ Rate Hikes Not Necessarily Bad For The Markets

'Mayan Temple' Rate Hikes Not Necessarily Bad For The Markets by Alex Rosenberg One of the market's biggest worries is the first hike of the federal funds rate, which many expect to come this year. But John Stoltzfus, chief market strategist at Oppenheimer, says investors who fret about it are missing the point. "So long as the pace of rate...

Watch Long-Term Oil & 3 ‘No Brainer’ Energy Stocks

Watch Long-Term Oil & 3 'No Brainer' Energy Stocks  by Mark Hulbert You ought to hold the oil stocks (XLE) you bought earlier this year when crude oil (USO) hit its low around $45 per barrel. That, at least, is the advice Kelley Wright is giving to clients who think crude's 30-plus percent rally in only two months' time is...

Will The Nasdaq & Russell 2k Drag The SPX Back Down? – Weekly Market Outlook

Will The Nasdaq & Russell 2k Drag The SPX Back Down? – Weekly Market Outlook You have to give credit to the bulls – they’re not going down without a fight. In fact, last week’s market rebound right from the brink of disaster was another impressive comeback. On the other hand, as impressive as Friday’s bounce was, stocks still aren’t over the...

10 Year Bond Yields Moving Higher Globally In Unison

10 Year Bond Yields Moving Higher Globally In Unison by BespokeInvest In case you haven’t noticed, interest rates on longer-dated bonds have spiked globally over the last two weeks.  Below is a table showing the current 10-year yield for the sovereign debt of Australia, the US, the UK, Canada, the Euro, and Japan.  It also shows the change in basis points (bps)...

Study Explores ‘Good Trading Brain / Bad Trading Brain’

Study Explores 'Good Trading Brain / Bad Trading Brain' Original Cal Tech & Virginia Tech 40 page study is here.  It's long been known that the typical human brain did not evolve perfectly for success in stock trading and investing.  There are probably many reasons, and many mechanisms contributing to this observation.  Using fMRI imaging, researchers at the CalTech, the Virginia Tech...