3 Lessons From The Massive VIX Spike Of 2008

3 Lessons From The Massive VIX Spike Of 2008 3 lessons from the stock-market anniversary everyone forgot about by Mark Hulbert [BigTrends.com note:  The author discusses how the VIX spike of 2008 to above 80 and the subsequent broad market action basically ‘blew up’ some trading models that were based on VIX reversals in line with a market rebound.  However,...

5 Winners & Losers In The Retail Sector

5 Winners & Losers In The Retail Sector by Michael Fowlkes Most sectors have already enjoyed their time in the spotlight this earnings season, but one that has yet to really take center stage is the Retail sector (XRT). Now is a crucial time for retailers, with the holiday season upon us, so Wall Street will be paying extra attention to third-quarter...

33% of S&P 500 Companies Mentioning Oil In Earnings Reports, Up 37% From Year Ago

33% of S&P 500 Companies Mentioning Oil In Earnings Reports, Up 37% From Year Ago More S&P companies commenting on oil by FactSet Insight “As you all know, the price of oil has dropped about $30 a barrel. It is $1 trillion stimulus per year to the world’s economy.” -Pioneer Natural Resources (Nov. 5) “As everyone knows, oil prices dropped...

Gas Prices Dropping Every Day, Put Into Perspective

Gas Prices Dropping Every Day, Put Into Perspective 46 Days and Counting by Bespoke Invest The national average price of a gallon of gas continued its decline over the weekend, dropping to a level of $2.927.  What makes the recent decline even more stunning is the fact that there has not been a single day since September where the national...

10 Principles For Successful Trading

10 Principles For Successful Trading Our Trading Principles By GFM Research   Many traders trade markets like gambling. But trading is a serious business like any other business. Trading in financial markets, especially in leveraged markets demands lot of discipline, skill and strategizing.  For the best trading results, our philosophy revolves around following trading principles. 1.  Trading is not gambling.  Some...

5 Rallying Stocks That Could Go Even Higher

5 Rallying Stocks That Could Go Even Higher by Michael Fowlkes The market dip in the first half of October put a lot of investors on alert, but fears about the market running out of steam quickly abated as the indices found their footing and headed to new record highs. No one will question the fact that there are risks...

CBOE Trading Volume Reached Records In October

CBOE Trading Volume Reached Records In October by CBOE.com The Chicago Board Options Exchange is the largest US options exchange and creator of listed options.  It trades under (CBOE), which includes its CBOE Futures Exchange and other subsidiaries. [BigTrends.com note:  The growth of options trading continues, as these vehicles are a great way for investors large and small to utilize leverage,...

One Divergence That Is Possibly Worrisome For Stocks

One Divergence That Is Possibly Worrisome For Stocks by Michael A. Gayed “Strength lies in differences, not in similarities.” – Stephen Covey Technical analysts who study price movement often look at divergences between indicators and price action to see if a coming change in trend is likely. The basic idea is to try to identify something happening to price movement which...

Fascinating Profile Of Japan’s Alleged Top Day Trader

Fascinating Profile Of Japan's Alleged Top Day-Trader Mystery Man Who Moves Japanese Markets Made More Than 1 Million Trades by James Clenfield [BigTrends.com note:  While this article is certainly interesting and displays the rise of the day-trading culture in Japan — something we've posted articles on previously, seems to have picked up with the Prime Minister there instituting 'Abenomics'. — it is...

Is $75 Crude Oil The Tipping Point?

Is $75 Crude Oil The Tipping Point? Why '75' Is The Most Important Number For US Economic Hope by Tyler Durden US shale oil is now the marginal swing barrel in the new world oil order, and as Goldman Sachs warns (despite Larry Kudlow apparently knowing better), a decline in WTI Crude Oil to $75/bbl would start to significantly slow US shale...