Emerging Markets – Rebound Trade Of 2014

Emerging Markets – Rebound Trade Of 2014 2014’s Trade of the Year? by Dr. Paul Price, TalkMarkets.com Knowing what to avoid is just as valuable as owning the right assets.  During 2013, cash was trash.  The Fed’s zero interest rate policy (ZIRP) has devastated risk-averse savers. $100,000 in 6-month CDs used to offer a decent income.  That choice was yanked off...

3 Beaten-Down ETFs That Could Rebound In 2014

3 Beaten-Down ETFs That Could Rebound In 2014 Time to buy out of favor ETF's for 2014? The best time to buy cheap is when you are afraid to bring up your ideas around the water cooler at work for fear of the peer laughter.  Our work centers on looking for oversold conditions and crowd behavioral anomalies that can give...

5 Potential Breakout Stock Charts

5 Potential Breakout Stock Charts Trades to Evaluate Before the New Year  With just a few more days before the final trading session of 2013, it would take a pretty active couple of days to derail what's been a spectacular year for stock investors.  Since the calendar flipped over to January, the S&P 500 (SPX) (SPY) has rallied more than 29%, climbing to...

2014 Contrarian Investment Ideas (But Beware Of Falling Knives)

2014 Contrarian Investment Ideas (But Beware Of Falling Knives) The 2014 Contrarian Investment Tour, From Rupees to Copper Don't try to catch a falling knife. It's one of the oldest saws on Wall Street.  But to make a lot of money, sometimes you have to get a little bloody. So say contrarians like Brian Singer.  The risk is great, "but...

Presidential, Decennial, & Secular Calendar Trends To Watch For 2014

Presidential, Decennial, & Secular Trend Patterns To Watch For 2014  Three cycles to watch in 2014 We hear about stock market cycles all the time.  We can look at short-term stuff like the annual seasonal cycle for U.S. stocks.  For example, we are currently in the best three-month period of the year: November – January.  We are also towards the...

Market Performance On Christmas Eve Over Time

Market Performance On Christmas Eve Over Time Market Performance on Christmas Eve The market will close at 1 PM ET on Christmas Eve Tuesday, and trading is expected to be slow.  While it will be a slow day of trading, historically the market has done pretty well on Christmas Eve.   Below is a table highlighting the S&P 500's (SPX)...

The Bearish Case, After A Nearly 5 Year Bull Run

The Bearish Case, After A Nearly 5 Year Bull Run Earnings Season Could Bring The Bear Out of Hibernation It's been my theory for some time now that this QE driven bull market would top either in late 2013 or early 2014, followed by a multi-month stagnation process as liquidity leaked into the commodity markets. S&P 500 Index Weekly Chart At almost...

Contrarian Alert – 84% Of AP Poll Respondents Think SPX Will Be Flat/Down/Crash In 2014

Contrarian Alert – 84% Of AP Poll Respondents Think SPX Will Be Flat/Down/Crash In 2014 Most Americans see stock market either flat or lower by end of 2014   Americans aren't expecting another bang-up year for the stock market, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll.  Of the people polled, 40 percent think the market will stabilize where it is...

Technical Analysis is ‘Behavioral Finance’

Technical analysis = Behavioral finance Andy Lo and the Adaptive Market Hypothesis Why does technical analysis work?  It is  critical that practitioners understand why their models work: We propose a framework for the intelligent application of these models: . Understand the investment environment that  you are in. . Build  a   model   to   exploit   conditions   in...

2013’s Best & Worst Investments (By Asset Class)

2013's Best & Worst Investments (by asset class) The Best and Worst Investments of 2013 A Year of Investing Extremes It wasn't hard to make money in 2013, just as long as you were invested in U.S. stocks.  Nine of every 10 stocks in the S&P 500 (SPX) (SPY)  are set to end the year in positive territory. Yet many other...