5 Charts Indicating Market Risk Is Growing

5 Charts Indicating Market Risk Is Growing Why Investors Must Be Cautious At These Prices Last week on October 8th & 9th the financial market experienced a broad based sell off.   Every sector was down with Utilities (XLU)  being the only exception.  The individual leadership stocks, which are typically small to mid-cap companies such as the Russell 2K (IWM), that...

3 Market Trends & Asset Pricing Scholars Win Nobel Prize

Market Trends & Asset Pricing Scholars Win Nobel Prize Americans Eugene Fama, Lars Peter Hansen and Robert Shiller won the Nobel prize for economics on Monday for developing new methods to study trends in asset markets. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said that through their separate research, the three had laid the foundation of the current understanding of asset prices....

Hedge Fund Strategists Aren’t Panicking Over Debt Ceiling Risk

Hedge Fund Strategists Aren’t Panicking Over Debt Ceiling Risk How the smart money is playing the crisis   The smart money doesn’t think the U.S. will default on its debt. Despite continued dire warnings from top officials like Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, many hedge funds and other large money managers aren’t significantly trimming their portfolios – and some are even...

Trading Lessons From Peyton Manning

Trading Lessons From Peyton Manning Trading Strategies Adopted From NFL QB Peyton Manning & Coca-Cola This trading lesson will be very entertaining if you are a sports fan and/or play fantasy football.  Even if you aren't, you likely are familiar with Peyton Manning. Peyton Manning is by far the best fantasy player in the NFL right now.  Watching Peyton dissect opposing...

Goldman Says No Fed Rate Hike Until 2016

Goldman Says No Fed Rate Hike Until 2016 Goldman's Crystal Ball: Rates Won't Rise Until 2016 In a note sent to clients this week, Goldman Sachs's team of economists laid out the case for why they think the Federal Reserve won't begin to raise rates until 2016.  Their rationale boils down to two words: Janet Yellen, whose nomination to be...

Twitter IPO, Internet Stocks and Extraordinary Popular Delusions

Twitter, Internet Stocks and Extraordinary Popular Delusions Investors' crazy behavior towards Twitter is a danger sign [BigTrends.com Editor's note:  We would point out that Facebook (FB) is probably the most similar recent major IPO to Twitter.  And in fact FB shares are now well above the IPO price, despite many decrying this as an overpriced, overhyped IPO at the time of issue.]...

IMF Cuts Growth Forecasts For Emerging Markets

IMF Cuts Growth Forecasts For Emerging Markets IMF cuts emerging world estimates   The International Monetary Fund (IMF) sliced its growth expectations for emerging countries on Tuesday, but maintained its forecast for advanced economies. In its latest world outlook report, the IMF predicted emerging countries (EEM) would average growth of 4.5 percent year-on-year in 2013, down from an estimate of...

BlackRock, S&P, Fitch, Moody’s Weigh In On US Debt Ceiling Fight

BlackRock, S&P, Fitch, Moody's Weigh In On US Debt Ceiling Fight U.S. to Avert Default and Downgrade, BlackRock's Rieder Says [This is an amalgam of 2 different pieces published in recent days giving the analysis of the major bond rating institutions and a major investment house concerning the risk (or non-risk) of default and/or downgrades on US debt in the current...

Bearish Chart Pattern Setup Seen In NYSE Composite

Bearish Chart Pattern Seen In NYSE Composite "Two Thirds of the Time This Pattern Leads to Lower Stock Prices" Historically, Bearish rising wedge patterns lead to falling prices about two-thirds of the time.  [BigTrends.com Editor’s Note:  the author cites no source data to back that first % statement up.  However, narrowing wedge formations often tend to precede volatile directional moves in...

Classic Swing Trading, Explained

Classic Swing Trading, Explained Swing trading is a pure, 100% technical approach to the markets.  It is based off analyzing the individual movements that comprise the bigger picture trends.  The goal is to become a master at interpreting the individual 'swings' and the patterns they form.  This is the purest form of market analysis we know of, with roots going back over...