The Fundamentals Behind The Recent Rise In Crude Oil

6 Charts That Tell the Whole Current Story of Crude Oil On Wednesday of this week, crude oil prices (USO) decidedly reversed what was becoming a prolonged downtrend. Between the end of June and Tuesday's close, oil had lost 18% of its value. Wednesday's 3.3% bounce was the best day oil had seen in over a month, snapping crude out of...

TRIN Arms Index Spotted the Market Headwind, Still Warns of Potential Short-Term Bearishness

Advance/Decline Line & Up/Down Volume Is A Concern For Broad Market A couple of weeks ago we looked at the NYSE's Arms Index, or Trading Index (often called TRIN, for short), concluding it warned us the market's rally wasn't particularly well-positioned to last. Since then, the S&P 500 (SPX) (SPY) has gone — literally — nowhere, remaining at the same value...

Advance/Decline Line & Up/Down Volume Is A Concern For Broad Market

Arms Index Spotted the Headwind, Still Warns of Potential Short-Term Bearishness A couple of weeks ago we looked at the NYSE's Arms Index, or Trading Index (often called TRIN, for short), concluding it warned us the market's rally wasn't particularly well-positioned to last. Since then, the S&P 500 (SPX) (SPY) has gone — literally — nowhere, remaining at the same value...

What GM Investors May Want to Take Away From the Ford Earnings Report

Inside The Ford & GM Earnings Reports Two weeks ago, we pointed out that auto sales were deteriorating, and if nothing changed (in terms of trajectory), major U.S. carmakers  like General Motors (GM) and Ford Motor (F) could both find themselves in trouble faster than many investors believed was plausible. The alternative side argued that the declines in United States automobile...

Future China Sales Are Big Concern For US Automakers & Other Manufacturers

What GM Investors May Want to Take Away From the Ford Earnings Report Two weeks ago, we pointed out that auto sales were deteriorating, and if nothing changed (in terms of trajectory), major U.S. carmakers  like General Motors (GM) and Ford Motor (F) could both find themselves in trouble faster than many investors believed was plausible. The alternative side argued...

Crude Oil Is Hanging By A Thread

Crude Oil Chart Is At A Dangerous Juncture While a falling U.S. dollar (UUP) generally helps boost the price of crude oil (USO), it's not helped much this week. In fact, oil's downtrend has become so well-developed since its early-June peak that if it falls any more, crude could reach an "it's going lower because it's going lower" situation. The last...

Crude Oil Chart Is Showing Danger Signs

Crude Oil is Hanging by a Thread While a falling U.S. dollar (UUP) generally helps boost the price of crude oil (USO), it's not helped much this week. In fact, oil's downtrend has become so well-developed since its early-June peak that if it falls any more, crude could reach an "it's going lower because it's going lower" situation. The last bastion...

Arms Index Says This Rally Isn’t Especially Well Supported

Caution For The Bulls From The Arms TRIN Index, Despite The Recent Rally The market's march into new-high territory is certainly exciting. But, it's far from bulletproof evidence that more of the same is on the way. Not only do stocks at this level bring valuation concerns, the rally itself may be less healthy than one might imagine with just...

Arms TRIN Index Indicates This Market Isn’t As Strong As It Appears

Arms Index Says This Rally Isn't Especially Well Supported The market's march into new-high territory is certainly exciting. But, it's far from bulletproof evidence that more of the same is on the way. Not only do stocks at this level bring valuation concerns, the rally itself may be less healthy than one might imagine with just a quick glance. The...

New Auto Sales Trend Should Worry GM, Ford and Automaker Shareholders

The Trend Of Weakening Auto/Truck Sales In January of this year, the term "peak auto" began to circulate in earnest… a phrase to suggest 2015's incredible year for automobile sales was an as-good-as-it-gets situation. Going forward, we could only shrink the industry's top and bottom lines. More than a few people scoffed at the idea, defending U.S. automobile makers like...